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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting

‘It's important to see the opportunities and not the risk": Andreas Bürger at start-up event at Kesselhaus Kolbermoor

On 8 October 2019, our Managing Director Andreas was a guest at an event organised by the non-profit initiative STARTUP TEENS and the start-up centre Stellwerk 18 at Kesselhaus Kolbermoor. Together with other founders, he shared his experiences as a young entrepreneur and managing director. The aim of the event was to inspire over 100 participating students to take entrepreneurial action and encourage them to realise their own start-up ideas. In addition to a keynote speech by Ilse Aigner, President of the Bavarian State Parliament, the event concluded with a sociable exchange between founders and students over snacks and drinks.

Geschäftsführer der BBW Lasertechnik zu Gast beim Gründer-Event im Kesselhaus Kolbermoor
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