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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting

TopLamp research project with Fraunhofer and South Korea

As part of the TopLamp research project, we are collaborating with the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the South Korean scanner manufacturer K-Lab and the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials to develop a 2D-on-the-fly technology platform for the flexible production of metallic bipolar plates and a self-learning system based on process monitoring data.

More information about the project can be found here on our BBW Blog.

Internationales Forschungsprojekt TopLamp
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