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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting

Highspeed camera recording of laser processes

In laser material processing, high process speeds are used. The interaction of the laser beam with the material and the operations in de process zone occur in a too short time range for meaningful observation with the human eye. At the same time, direct observation is not possible at all for laser safety reasons. Here, recordings with a high-speed camera can usefully extend the understanding of the process.

Laser welding of copper

Using the example of laser welding of copper parts, very different welding results can be achieved, depending on the welding strategy. The high-speed recordings made for this purpose are an excellent aid in answering the question of what impact the choice of different parameter sets has on the welding result.

BBW Lasertechnik has a Photron NOVA S16 high-speed camera with which recordings of up to 1,000,000 images per second in the smallest image section are possible. For larger format shots, frame rates of 50 to 100,000 frames per second can still be achieved.

Our camera is regularly used for internal feasibility studies but can be booked specifically for your request. We are also happy to come to you if you need a professional recording of your laser processes in-house. Feel free to contact us!

Do you have any questions? We’re happy to help!