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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting

Generation change: New Head of Human Resources & Communication

Maria Bürger, who has been with BBW Lasertechnik since its beginnings, is handing over the management of the HR department to her daughter Kristina Bürger with immediate effect.

Maria will remain operationally active in the company and will support Kristina in her new tasks, especially in the early days.

Kristina completed her Master's degree in International Public Relations at LMU Munich in 2019 and then worked for three years at the energy company E.ON before joining the family business in 2022. Since March, she has been studying management and leadership skills (MBA) part-time at the TH Rosenheim and is also responsible for communications at BBW.

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