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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting
Erfahrungen in der Automobilbranche im Bereich Laserschneiden, Laserschweißen und Oberflächenbearbeitung


We are a reliable service provider for high-precision laser technology in the automotive industry. Thanks to our decades of expertise, BBW Lasertechnik is a leader in the Industry. Our area of expertise ranges from Li-Ion battery modules with round cells to cell connections made of aluminum and motor components made of steel. Our scope of services begins with the initial brainstorming and continues through to series production.

Aluminum cell connections

The aluminum cell connectors are part of a higher-level assembly. They create the connection between prismatic battery cells and are used in the automotive sector. With a current annual production capacity of 1 million units, we offer an automated laser welding service.

To ensure optimum quality, we rely on 100% inspection and traceability of our products, including online welding process monitoring and automated camera inspections.

A special feature of our production is the implementation of robot-based automation within just three months. We also enable laser welding and laser marking in just one process by using modern scanner technology. This enables flexible and efficient production, even with different variants.



  • Automotive


  • 100,000 units/year

Scope of services

  • Laser welding
  • Fixture construction in cooperation with our customers
  • 100 % inspection and traceability
  • Online process monitoring

Special features

  • Robot-based automation within 3 months
  • Laser welding and marking in one process
  • Use of scanner technology
Aluminum cell connections

Motor component made of steel

The steel engine components manufactured by BBW Lasertechnik are aimed at the automotive industry. We offer an annual capacity of more than 1 million units. The production process includes the circumferential welding of a groove with filler wire and the heating of the material to the required welding temperature.

For continuous quality assurance, we carry out a 100% ultrasonic inspection for pores and a periodic metallographic examination of the weld seam in series.

We use inductive heating during the manufacturing process. In addition, we have implemented a fully automated production line with robots.


  • Automotive


  • 1,200,000 units/year

Scope of services

  • Circumferential welding of a groove with filler wire
  • Inductive heating of the material to welding temperature
  • 100 % ultrasonic testing for pores
  • Periodic metallographic examination of the weld seam in series

Special features

  • Heating with induction
  • Complete automation with robot
Welding a groove with filler wire for steel motor components

Heat sink

Heat sinks are manufactured for use in the automotive industry. Our services for the product are the welding of a cap to the component and a metallographic examination carried out in series. We have an annual production capacity of more than 500,000 units.

To ensure quality, we carry out a 100% helium leak test to check for leaks and a complete rinsing of all components. In addition, each component is laser-marked with DMC and article designation.

An automated pallet system is used in our production. We also monitor the weld seam during the welding process to ensure optimum quality and performance of our products.



  • Automotive


  • 550,000 units/year

Scope of services

  • Welding of cap to component
  • Metallographic examination in series
  • 100% helium leak test for tightness
  • 100% rinsing of the components
  • Laser marking of DMC and article designation

Special features

  • Automation with pallet system
  • Weld seam monitoring in the welding process
Heat sinks - welding, laser marking
Do you have any questions? We’re happy to help!