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BBW Lasertechnik GmbH
Phone: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 0
Fax: (0 80 36) 9 08 20- 28
E-Mail: info@bbw-lasertechnik.de
Gewerbering 11
83134 Prutting

BBW Lasertechnik and Civan Advanced Technologies further develop laser welding

We are working with Israeli laser manufacturer Civan Lasers to further develop laser beam welding using a disruptive technology from Civan. In combination with our BBW know-how, the approach opens up new possibilities for laser beam welding, especially for welding aluminium and copper.


While the application of beam oscillation with scanners and 2-in-1 fibres has led to process improvements in recent years, the Civan technology now opens up new potential in laser technology. In laser beam welding, the shape and stability of the vapour capillary have so far essentially determined the geometry and quality of the weld seam. The coherent beam combination patented by Civan now makes it possible to modulate the laser beam in the MHz range and thus shape it as required. This means that the vaporisation in the capillary, the flow in the weld pool and the solidification of the melt can be freely designed. The laser tool is thus transformed from a pipe wrench into a pair of tweezers.

Due to the promising possibilities, we have decided to invest in the new 8 kW OPA 6 laser from Civan - making us the first company to put the new system into operation. With the support of Civan developers, the welding system will be installed at our premises by the end of the year. ‘We are delighted to be the first user of this disruptive technology. The laser will be used in particular for challenges in electromobility, for example when welding aluminium, copper and mixed battery connections,’ says Andreas Bürger, Managing Director of BBW Lasertechnik.

Dr Eyal Shekel, founder and CEO of Civan, adds: ‘By cooperating with BBW Lasertechnik, we can implement our new technology with a German pioneering company for laser technology. This is a promising cooperation that will benefit both companies.’

Once the laser system is in operation, we will also be available to interested companies as an application laboratory for the Civan technology and for demonstrations. This will enable laser users to test and validate welding processes in an industrial environment. Our development environment offers the opportunity to utilise our in-house fixture construction and metallographic laboratory.



Press release ‘BBW Lasertechnik and Civan Advanced Technologies further develop laser welding’ (PDF)

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